Sonchus boulosii
Asteracées (Cichorioidées)
Base de données des Plantes d'Afrique. Conservatoire & Jardin botaniques de la ville de Genève.
MEJIAS J. A. et al. (2018) - Phylogenetic and morphological analysis of a new cliff‐dwelling species reveals a remnant ancestral diversity and evolutionary parallelism in Sonchus (Asteraceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 304:1023–1040.
BOULOS L. (1973) Révision systématique du genre Sonchus L. s. l. Bot. Notiser 126: 155-196 (partiel)
Sonchus boulosii
a, c–o Debdou Mountains, Municipality of Sidi Ali Belkassem, village of Sebâat ou Rijal, “Jorf el Medjam” (ECWP s.n., holotype : a, c–j; SEV 286733: k–o); b Middle Atlas, Jbel Tsiouant (ECWP s.n.); a, b habit; c detail of a ramification in the peduncle; d capitulum in anthesis; e capitulum during achenes maturation; f–h outer, middle and inner involucral bracts, respectively; i glandular hair; j outer floret without ovary nor pappus; k flower head after achenes dispersal; l flower head receptacle; m inner achene with pappus; n, o: outer achene in ventral and dorsal view, respectively.
In MEJIAS J. A. et al., p. 1036 (2018)
Sonchus boulosii
Moyen Atlas oriental, Almis-des-Marmoucha
Sonchus boulosii
Montagnes du Tell marocain, Debdou
Sonchus boulosii
Montagnes du Tell marocain, Debdou
Sonchus boulosii
Montagnes du Tell marocain, Debdou